Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Epidemic of R.I.P for kids bullied Is spreading Like Cancer

Its becoming a trend withing all ethnicities sad to say to go on or and of course our daily news channels, to see another child or teen has commit suicide from bullying. Teen bullying has always known about and that was the main reason for fights going on in school. The victim would finally lash out and defend themselves and even if he or she didn't win the fight at least they stood up for themselves.
I'm only 24 but when i was in high school i seen 2 girls get bullied or more say picked on because one was geeky and the other one talked funny and looked like a grandma. No one ever layed a finger on them just called out there names when they walked by or mimicked them when they would say "leave me alone" or kicked there luggage book bag .The luggage book bag was the new thing at the time but only the smart kids who had a thousand and one classes and books invested in it so they wouldn't hurt there backs any more. Of course i would say things like "why are yall bothering her ,leave her alone." But in school i was popular for being the quiet but cool with mostly everybody , short chick and the bully's whom I was some what social with would say "naw she cool as hell I'm just playing with her". Sometimes I'd ask the girls were they ok and they brush it off with saying "yea I'm just not in the mood they want to play and i don't .I just want to be left alone". Which is definitely understandable because what was a laughing matter for others was an embarrassing moment for them.
Now the grandma looking victim and I go way back to elementary school so we have history and a friendship. I never turned phony on anyone just because we got older that was never my thing. She eventually went through some tough times in her life and stayed back in school and seemed to go downhill. So once she got to high school she was a yr behind me but I never treated her different spoke to her every morning and kept it moving. Deep down inside she a girl who's going through alot and her mom was pretty older then everyone elses mom so she was sheltered from alot. Thankfully she didnt let bullying get to her and she's an adult now and has a man and a little family of her own :) .
As for the geeky victim she was SMART and had a motivated spirit to make a change in school and you just knew she would be someone important when she reached adulthood. She graduated a yr before me i never really knew her but I seen her around . One time we had a pep rally and some lames were sitting behind her bothering her and i was sitting like 3 isles down from them and i felt bad. There were some saying leave her alone and some females laughing saying to the bully's " omg you are so stupid , stop leave her alone you gone make her cry" . I looked at her and wondered why she just didnt get up and move but she just sat there and tears filled her eyes a little and was shouting "leave me alone". I'll admit i got a little teary eyed myself and then the unacceptable happened. The bully's took out a matchbook sparked the sticks and started throwing the lit sticks at her. Me personally , I am terrified of fire between my house catching fire and my mom hair catching on fire I don't like lighters or matchbooks. Anyone who tried to use it around me i kindly ask them to go else where with it ,So far people have respected my wishes .
So as the bully is throwing these lit match sticks I'm looking at people laugh and I can just vision her coat catching on fire and i swear i froze up in fear .She went to go lay down and I'm thinking girl get up and move and at this point this must be her hiding and trying to hold emotions in cry for help. She eventually just popped up and ran out the gym and as tempting as i was to go run after her i just stood there in shocked and couldn't imagine how she felt. Where she is now in 2012 i do not know but I'm sure she's out there doing something amazing behind the scenes of a high tech job. However, with that being said bullying has changed so much through the years that its affecting the younger generation as young as 6yrs old now. How can you teach your child to not let bullying bring them down and send them to school everyday?
These kids feel so alone and left out that they take it upon themselves to take their own life which bothers me because what does a 6yr old know about death really? Death is still a mystery too most adults but here it is every few months a child is experimenting with it. I know that there are all these organizations out there that are open to helping troubled kids but parents sit and act like there child is an angel and nothing is wrong. It makes you wonder are the children walking over their parents at home or is this a cry out from the bully's and they take their problems out on others? Either way its wrong and I think parents need to really look at themselves and get to know who they're raising. The epidemic of R.I.P's for young children is no joke and its spreading like cancer. There use to be a time a parents fear for her child was to fail i school and repeat another grade,get sick , break a bone from playing too much ,hit by a car, shot by a stray bullet,drinking, sex,and getting kidnapped. Now you have to fear your child not feeling safe and valued enough that their committing suicide! The solution is in the parents and parents need to strive to be a better role model and safe haven because if your child cant come to you when he or she needs you the most, then you are not doing your motherly duties!

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