Saturday, July 20, 2013

Too hot to Eat ?

         This 2013 summer 5 day heat wave has sent many to not feel hungry, I know this because I too really don't care for a meal as of lately .With temperatures up in the 90 leaving residents across the tri state to deal with hotter weather then Florida and down south areas which are known to be the best hot vacation places, what can you do in this heat and what can you eat and drink in this heat? This time around Donkin donuts and Ritas and places that sell cold drinks businesses are booming ,they are the go to place especially Donkin donuts. 24 hrs service with this 24 hr heat give you the satisfaction to stay inside during the day and when temperature drop just a tad bit by night time you can sneak on out and get your coolata and smoothies. But as the news mentioned we need to stay away from caffeine it leaves you more dehydrated then you think. Water is good but the news has been booming about drinking Gatorade and power drinks to put minerals back into your body which is very important being they you'll be sweating a lot. Just like when athletes play hard and work up a good sweat we normal people lol will be doing the same thing just by standing still.
Now that we got the drinks in order what about foods. Well I personally have become a fan of buying big watermelons and chopping them up and freezing them. Instead of always going out buying ice cream fruit bars with high sugar and other things in it ,why not make your own natural fruit snack. This snack is so good I end up eating 2 big halves of watermelon and I don't feel guilty because it taste good and I feel good. Another snack or breakfast would be 2 slices of toasted bread wheat or regular with butter and jelly. This is light and fulfilling and holds me over from hunger for a good 3 to 4 hrs. Another good one would be toasted bread spread with peanut butter and apple slices on the side. We all know peanuts are a great source of a fat burner so with this food and the heat combined how can you go wrong?
Last but not least I can't forget to mention salads and subs ! These too will cover you when it comes to having an actual meal and itll leave you full and satisfied. With fast food places and quick checks giving you options of different subs and salads your taste buds can enjoy a different dish every day. These are a few things that worked for me and hopefully itll work for you too. We have to beat the heat not let it beat us !

*source of this picture is credit to

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