Saturday, July 16, 2011

Work hard or Dont work hard and still have a life?

So your known as the sweet quet girl at work. Everyone knows you they compliment you on your work, they question you on why your working with them and why arent you working somewhere else ? Is this a good thing or bad thing ,is it a hidden push for you to get out of there before its too late and go do something greater with your life? Alot of times companies have there employees who just complain and complain but never go anywhere. You say to yourself" This job is all hype I bust my behind and the pay isnt even worth it , but its a job". I speak from experience and i can relate .
       Ive been working in the retail business since 2005 and quickly got thrown into the management side. The pay was great but my heart wasnt into it and it felt funny managing older women and girls my age whom i was working with before i moved up as just a sales associate. At first they didnt take me serious because I was young but then they saw my potential and stop giving me a hardtime and started doing there part to help the business. I found myself falling in love with merchandising and thats where my heart is. I didnt have to deal with receipt paperwork, customers complaining , I just had a picture in mind and i captivated it when ever i did a wall or floor set. The best part was watching my art fly off the shelf and making the company sales number go up.Through out the years i tried to stick with merchandising but had to start from the bottom going back to being a sales associate and my pockets are HURTING BAD. Its 2011 and i work as a stock/merchandiser for a billion dollar comopany with high price merchandise a shirt is more then my weekly check!! Do you think im balling because the company is ?? NO WAY NOT AT ALL NOT EVEN CLOSE!
I been trying to stick it out with this job because i want to show long term commitment and help build my resume for merchandising. But each time i look at my check and when i see my co workers who complain i get scared that'll Ill become too comfortable just like them and never leave. I complain now oh yes without a doubt but i also bust my behind and im still driven .Im on a mission but my pockets arent feeling this hurt. Am i wasting my time trying to build my resume when I and everyone else knows that i should take my hard working skills somewhere else? Alot of people bust their behind EVERYDAY but struggle  very hard when they have to face the reality outside of work. Some people will tell you " I make alot of money to do nothing and I love it." so if they balling like that i can say " I love my job I work very hard to make Little pay and that part I hate".It saddens me that some people are living life to the fullest and have family to throw money at them and never work. While others work hard and try to make ends meet while those who can careless about their job reap all the benifits in a FAT CHECK. Something is definitely wrong with this picture.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is it safe 2 say african american women skin is prone 2 stretchmarks?

In a society where looks is everything proper skin care is a must. But what is proper skin care and how do you go about it? Magazines talk about everything a women she know or do reaching out to all ethnicities, but each ethnicity is different and everyone shouldn try just anything old thing. When it comes to skin care i think it goes by your family line and what you eat or do . Moisturizing is def a key for every thing but no one seems to be able to explain stretchmarks. They say if you gain weight to fast or lose weight to fast or if its hereditary then boom theres your answer. But i know someone who has been small her whole life and bounces between a 5 pound difference and has had stretchmarks since she was a little girl,practically all over. She so tiny and has always been but she is scared for life with strecthmarks and have no kids. To me she physically hasnt changed much I feel her pain and how uncomfortable she is in her own skin and everyone should be comfotable in their own skin right?

Based off of my observations ive seen stretcmarks on african american women more then i have on any other race. Its the cleavage area, sides,hips,thighs inner and out,buttocks and calves. When i see caucasians i more so see spider veins and vericose veins. Even if they are heavy set their skin still show no signs of stretchmarks which makes me wonder ," Is our skin more prone to stretchmarks automatically"? I mean everything about african americans seem to be so different and sensitive. Our skin blemishes and scar up off of anything, the hair HAS to stay moisturized or it goes brittle and is badly damaged, and what everyother saying is out there assuring african american skin is sensitive. Im pretty sure a good amount of women of every race go throug there skin issues , im just saying based off of what i see I think african americans are prone to it. what do you think? If your african american and you want to let us know you skin care regimen hook us up and teach us something we may have been missing . At the end of the day the body is our temple and we must treat it like gold but i also know alot of us neglect our body so lets help one another get on the right track to feel beautiful and comfortable in the skin we're in.