Friday, August 23, 2013

Letter2 Lee Thompson Young R.i.p My hollywood crush since I was Little

I guess the honest reason why I cant believe this whole event is reality because watching you then and now there is so much growth .But I also know how it feels too be happy for a short time and depression to come knocking at your door no longer being a guest but apart of you. I been battling depression since the age of 9 and no I haven't got help because I cant afford it. But even then getting help and breaking through is a 50/50 chance. I have more days I dislike who I am, where I am and what i look like instead of liking who I am, where I am in life and what I look like. Its like no matter the pictures I post, the laughter's I have during the day a sad lonely feeling creeps up. Even being in a room full of friends don't help get my mind straight at times. Its hard waking up every morning working and putting on your love cap to share with others when most of the time you don't get it back.

Your passing has hit me in such away because I didn't have the courage after my few attempts to do what you have done . I promised myself I wouldn't go to the extreme to feel the need to take my own life and I haven't made an attempt since my nana passing away. I'm so sorry that you didn't or couldn't find another way to deal with the many things in your life that made you feel like giving up. I'm not saved but I do pray and wish that a humble soul like yourself go to the pearly gates and not down below .The spotlight blinded me and I would of never thought I see your name across the screen with r.i.p next too it, at least not for yrs too come. Things like this happen all the time but because of all the great things you've accomplished your situation has been all over the news. I do pray that the family finds strength in this sudden mishap and find away to forgive themselves if guilt is eating away at them.

I'm really heartbroken and knots are in my throat when saying your name now because I know if not completly ,a lil how you feel. Now I sort of see how others will react if I decided to cut my own path short. Those thoughts are no longer in my mind but the constant badgering to myself is. I am my worst critic and I know I need too change that. rest in heaven Lee for I hope you truly are at rest. I'm gonna miss you , I was so happy to see you back on the screen doing your thing. gone too soon but only god knows why. Peace

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