Sunday, October 2, 2011

Social media is forgetting about traditional communication and riding the new wave of publicaly humiliating others

I find it quite amazing how people are falling into the social media communication and ignoring the old tradition "dont talk behind my back say it to my FACE ". Well in this case  of social changes I guess it should be "dont talk about me on your wall for the world to see, say what you have to say to me and stop hiding behin the screen " Facebook is a beautiful thing and a curse at the same time. Its reached more connection and boundaries then myspace which leaves many saying "what is a myspace" . Everyone advertises with facebook and it doesn't  look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon.
           Facebook for me first started off as a problem because females were mad there boyfriends would like or comment on my pictures. Remind you these are people I dont know on the day to day bases and live miles away. Alot of times we link because of music and off of other sites and thats all. Other cases me and they guy have been friends for years ,but the girlfriend is NEW and she wants him to cut all ties with any females she feels intimidated by. But in the end I tell her what it is and the dude can vouche for me that he will not delete me because we are friends and she needs to deal with it. Did the girlfriend like this ? Of course not but seriously what can she do about it. He has his own page to network on  and so does she, the world see's your in a relationship and all your forced pictures. Sad thing is the girlfriends wants to be so controlling that they end up breaking up weeks later anyway lol for the WORLD TO SEE.
          Facebook now is a different network  for me now that I've been on it for awhile. I've found family members I never met and family members who I havent seen in years. Its easier to talk to them all at the same time as oppose to them saying  "call me".The only time I'll address them personally is if there is a major personal problem that isn't meant for others to see or know about. Sometimes when im not online i'll text there phone and say hey and to see what their doing but its never a long convo. Its more like a "hey I was thinking about you for a second wanted to know whats going on with you today " Sometimes less is better but it lets them see that randomly they crossed your mind and that they were thought about. This would be the beautiful side of facebook in my eyes.
        The bad side would definitely be when people put on a show and all there business out to get feedback from others and get upset if the feedback isnt what they want to hear. Yes im guilty to venting on Fb from time to time but I dont get to personal and say names.It's more like a speaking out loud moment, a public view maybe leaning to a what should I do. Which isn't to bad because before this site came along yahoo had a ask question forum and people would give their feedback. The issue at hand with fb is when you literally are throwing someone under the bus ,publicaly humiliating them because you have access to do it. This curse has broken up family relationships,kiddy relationships for the kids, and marriages. Communication is and always be key point blank period. But it's the way you go about it and right now  in the social world everyone wants to feel known or famous. So they forget about tradition and go with the new wave and publicaly downgrade themselves,friends and lovers. Some people have gotten killed over social media hypeness but thats not enough to make people stop and think about how they network. WHY?? because they honestly think it'll never happen to them and this person aint stupid enough to address me when really YOUR NOT BOLD ENOUGH TO ADDRESS THEM EITHER SINCE YOUR HIDING BEHIND A KEYBOARD.

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