Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newton CT Fatal shooting : Reshaping schools while Regaining trust

  The tragedy that happen within coming weeks too Christmas  at Sandy Hook elementary school  struck the nation hard. Along with the town of  newton CT  ,nations around the world mouths were left wide open,eyes in blank mode and hearts so heavy you felt like a ton of bricks fell on you. With Christmas closing in every ones minds were focused on buying there children and loved ones gifts that would light up there faces and belly's full of food and aching from good laughter. But the act of 1 lost young man with disorders took away 20 young children 12 girls, 8 boys and 6 adult women and his own mothers life taken place at her home. Although many will without hesitation like to throw torches at the shooter he too was a victim. Not only too turning the gun on himself but to disorders people pay no mind too.Im not saying what the shooter did should be excused but he was a bright young man with no soul.
  If he took his own life without taking innocent little ones this tragedy would not hurt and affect as many people as it does. yes suicide is always hurtful but MURDER seems so UNFORGIVABLE that theres no coming back from it. These parents will be picking out small coffins instead of watching their children pick out their gifts from under the tree. The women who were teachers and protectors in the children's eyes wont make it home to be with their loved ones and sing carols and enjoy their holiday. The survivors wont see their teachers or classmates and will be scared because their safety net was taken from them. The surviving parents are scared to send their children back and feel guilty to even think about having a Christmas. This town is shattered and before they can even think about reshaping security they have to mourn.
 Radio station got calls called in from across the world talking about gun control as if the shooter went to the store and purchased it. Alot of times in cases like this gun buying would be an issue but these guns were from his family home. Callers want teachers to carry guns and to me that is stupid. The best and easiest way we can start  reshaping the school and regaining the towns trust  is by getting bullet proof classroom doors and windows and making sure each door has a lock. This is  a start in my eyes and idea that sounds much better then having teachers carry guns. Also  as scary as it may seem for young ones maybe all schools should have metal detectors. It'll be the same way if a child was boarding a flight and had to go through the security procedures to get on a plane.
 The world we live in is changing and you can never be too prepared but aware. peoples mental state of minds are getting worse by the day and we can no longer ignore illnesses that can harm others. Now report says that the shooters disorders shouldn't of caused rage but they also don't know what was going on in his mind . This young man killed his own mother,his security blanket . My heart goes out to everyone who was affected and I pray they find strength in this tough time . Even to the shooters family who are in disbelief and want answers as to why this happened as well. I will not bring this  situation up again as I respectfully would like to let these families mourn. I just wanted to throw out a suggestion as to how we can help reshape schools and basically help our Little ones feel secure again. There will always be some sick minded person out there plotting on ways to destroy whatever they can . I just wanted to give a hand and a prays for better days too come.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Its Not Your size Its the designers

So I work for a popular retail company thats been around for awhile .With competitor stores like JCpenny,Bloomingdales and macys selling the same vendors we do, the few dollar difference is key. Customers will quickly compare prices and fuss to you as if we're walmart and we're suppose to match the price. Well if price difference wasnt enough complaints from customers now their complaining about the cut. In this case this is a PROBLEM for most designer clothing companies which affects women of all sizes and ages.
Not only do I merchandise and help suggest items for customers but I also give them the women to women honesty talk. Alot of women are stuck on a size number for bottoms and tops and think they are gaining weight if they dont FIT into the merchandise."ITS NOT YOU LADIES ITS THE DESIGNERS". The fashion industry is booming with new designers from across seas who are trying to venture off into the u.s and the u.s are thrilled to get fresh fashion visions. But the down fall to trying these new designers is the cut and fit of the merchandise on us americans who are definitely cut different.
Its sort of sad to watch old ways be stormed by new ways because somethings are better left alone. Clothes are more then just fabric to women its a mood changer/confidence builder.For most women they have favorites and not so favorite designers because its all about how the clothing compliments her shape. But what happens when the new trend is telling you your not thin enough and your the average size of most American women starting at a size 6. Now there trying to say a size 6 is plus size and honestly most kids are bigger then a 6 now so imagine how an adult feels. Ladies its not the end of the world your not the problem you can take a breather.
Instead of beating yourself up and starving yourself shop around and always pick up 2 sizes because most likely your in between sizes. Get a feel for how the clothes run and if your wallet is comfortable spending that amount.Dont let a designer tell you how your suppose to look and be built you dont have to help build there dream line especially when theres so many more designers out there from right here in America who can relate to your body proportion. Although I feel bad for the older women who are comfortable with there size and have the mid section bulge and love handles. They are the original loyal customers who will spend alot of money but hey let that be the designers lost. Shop some where else and wear it well and fell confident again!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

sacrifices for the American dream

 Hungry that i am but i make sacrifices to get through the current
trying to maintain uplifted when my energy is heat waving above the ground
Im here to impress no one but myself and I can careless who  is around
latest trends trick many minds and make them forget about responsibilities
Dont have the needs but go for the want and what is all the rave this month
Gosh if only i didnt have responsibilities and im not talking paying a cell bill
grawling goes the tummy but at least i ate twice today there some people out there who cant even get satisfied by the smell of food

I am grateful but Im also a hard worker who shouldnt have to miss meals
I work hard I get double digit pay but I still live check to check
each time i start saving a set back comes and my nerves go on the run
I handle the matter blood sweat and tears and I sleep to wake to the next day
Im not trying to keep up im trying to maintain
for the american dream for my generation seems to turn its nose up at us
I feel like we will never get the chance to live it to the fullest
let alone stand close to it or breathe it

2 to 3 jobs and its not even enough for a nice apartment out the hood
they raising prices of rent but hardly want to change pay
they want us to do illegal hustles just to make way
lock us up for not breaking off towards tax no joke this is fact
they dont want us to earn credit ,I built mines but most dont have
they wonder why we walk around always  looking so mad
we smart live right and was raised to go the right path
but some how I always feel like ill never get passed
this aint a skin thing well then again it may be
I have tons of diffrenet race friends so prejudice is not me
but the american dream is my challenge its the one im mad at
its the one thats laughing at me saying "I cant believe you did that"
but through it all i stay humble and hungry for the piece of the pie
I just want whats best for me and my family
well a least before i die !

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jetz All honesty: The Epidemic of R.I.P for kids bullied Is spreadin...

Jetz All honesty: The Epidemic of R.I.P for kids bullied Is spreadin...: Its becoming a trend withing all ethnicities sad to say to go on or and of course our daily news chann...

The Epidemic of R.I.P for kids bullied Is spreading Like Cancer

Its becoming a trend withing all ethnicities sad to say to go on or and of course our daily news channels, to see another child or teen has commit suicide from bullying. Teen bullying has always known about and that was the main reason for fights going on in school. The victim would finally lash out and defend themselves and even if he or she didn't win the fight at least they stood up for themselves.
I'm only 24 but when i was in high school i seen 2 girls get bullied or more say picked on because one was geeky and the other one talked funny and looked like a grandma. No one ever layed a finger on them just called out there names when they walked by or mimicked them when they would say "leave me alone" or kicked there luggage book bag .The luggage book bag was the new thing at the time but only the smart kids who had a thousand and one classes and books invested in it so they wouldn't hurt there backs any more. Of course i would say things like "why are yall bothering her ,leave her alone." But in school i was popular for being the quiet but cool with mostly everybody , short chick and the bully's whom I was some what social with would say "naw she cool as hell I'm just playing with her". Sometimes I'd ask the girls were they ok and they brush it off with saying "yea I'm just not in the mood they want to play and i don't .I just want to be left alone". Which is definitely understandable because what was a laughing matter for others was an embarrassing moment for them.
Now the grandma looking victim and I go way back to elementary school so we have history and a friendship. I never turned phony on anyone just because we got older that was never my thing. She eventually went through some tough times in her life and stayed back in school and seemed to go downhill. So once she got to high school she was a yr behind me but I never treated her different spoke to her every morning and kept it moving. Deep down inside she a girl who's going through alot and her mom was pretty older then everyone elses mom so she was sheltered from alot. Thankfully she didnt let bullying get to her and she's an adult now and has a man and a little family of her own :) .
As for the geeky victim she was SMART and had a motivated spirit to make a change in school and you just knew she would be someone important when she reached adulthood. She graduated a yr before me i never really knew her but I seen her around . One time we had a pep rally and some lames were sitting behind her bothering her and i was sitting like 3 isles down from them and i felt bad. There were some saying leave her alone and some females laughing saying to the bully's " omg you are so stupid , stop leave her alone you gone make her cry" . I looked at her and wondered why she just didnt get up and move but she just sat there and tears filled her eyes a little and was shouting "leave me alone". I'll admit i got a little teary eyed myself and then the unacceptable happened. The bully's took out a matchbook sparked the sticks and started throwing the lit sticks at her. Me personally , I am terrified of fire between my house catching fire and my mom hair catching on fire I don't like lighters or matchbooks. Anyone who tried to use it around me i kindly ask them to go else where with it ,So far people have respected my wishes .
So as the bully is throwing these lit match sticks I'm looking at people laugh and I can just vision her coat catching on fire and i swear i froze up in fear .She went to go lay down and I'm thinking girl get up and move and at this point this must be her hiding and trying to hold emotions in cry for help. She eventually just popped up and ran out the gym and as tempting as i was to go run after her i just stood there in shocked and couldn't imagine how she felt. Where she is now in 2012 i do not know but I'm sure she's out there doing something amazing behind the scenes of a high tech job. However, with that being said bullying has changed so much through the years that its affecting the younger generation as young as 6yrs old now. How can you teach your child to not let bullying bring them down and send them to school everyday?
These kids feel so alone and left out that they take it upon themselves to take their own life which bothers me because what does a 6yr old know about death really? Death is still a mystery too most adults but here it is every few months a child is experimenting with it. I know that there are all these organizations out there that are open to helping troubled kids but parents sit and act like there child is an angel and nothing is wrong. It makes you wonder are the children walking over their parents at home or is this a cry out from the bully's and they take their problems out on others? Either way its wrong and I think parents need to really look at themselves and get to know who they're raising. The epidemic of R.I.P's for young children is no joke and its spreading like cancer. There use to be a time a parents fear for her child was to fail i school and repeat another grade,get sick , break a bone from playing too much ,hit by a car, shot by a stray bullet,drinking, sex,and getting kidnapped. Now you have to fear your child not feeling safe and valued enough that their committing suicide! The solution is in the parents and parents need to strive to be a better role model and safe haven because if your child cant come to you when he or she needs you the most, then you are not doing your motherly duties!