Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hair ,Society, Where Do You fit In?

            Its a breath of fresh air to see natural styles such as box braids make a come back in this day and age. For the past 2 years based off my own experience I have found more
help for the African American woman who wants to embrace her god gift and take a break from the weaves, wigs and extensions. By all means am I against false hair I love it
its how make up is too an outfit its another accessory. Its what makes being a girl so MUCH MORE FUN then boys who would need time to switch up their styles,  We as women go through enough in life why cant we have fun with our choices of hair? I will admit wearing weave all the time and NOT embracing your own hair comes off like your ashamed .The same way how some invest $500 dollars into extensions ,I feel should be invested into making sure their real hair is healthy as well.
Through the years a war has been brewing about dark skin vs light skin and now its natural vs relaxed hair. At the end of the day if you can love who you are and how you look without makeup and extensions that's all that matters. If you can find a man who likes you both ways dressed up and dressed down that's all that matters. It all comes down to respect and love and those words have been hard on African American woman. Its even to the point where other ethnicity's  are riding the natural wave adding hash tags to pictures of themselves as if anyone has ever turned them down from a job. This is where the natural community gets upset because they feel they cant have something just for them. All ethnicity's wear weave even if its just to add volume to the lifeless hair but there is only one group that's gets railroaded hard about their texture. Its even to the point where making a living for yourself is based on your hair for certain work fields .
So to see box braids which are one of many natural styles make its way to the lime light it excites me. I myself who's been natural for 4 yrs but use wigs for a protective style and quick fix have gotten wet and wavy highlighted braids. There are so many different styles and textures and colors when it comes to braids out there your bound to find a look for yourself. Its always been out there since I was a little girl and I'm 27 now and I thought wearing braids now I would be considered wack or the look is played out. I even found a guy who's more impressed with my natural hair then my wigs :) now tell me that's not a bonus?  We are not out hair ladies but society is making it appear that way. If you have to play the part and be who society wants you to be for the better pay then I say handle your business . But just remember you have a life outside of your job and the freedom to be you !

Model: Keri Hilson  Resource :blackbeautyand

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Three Month Old Layla Smith Another Accident or Another Case Of Unnecesary Force By Police Over Public Breast Feeding Fake or Real ?

Today August 10,2014  I come across an article that made my blood boil. Babies are suppose to be gods precious gift to earth. But people have changed so much and are filled with so much dislike that our precious gems aren't safe anymore. Now the news article has not discussed ethnic background for the officer or victims so I will go off of details and that alone. Either way police have been using their force distastefully lately and think they can justify it by saying don't resist or don't talk back. I never fully understood why we couldn't question officers when they approach US and say we have done something wrong  or they BELIEVE we have done something wrong. Am i suppose to not say anything when I was taught since I was a child in school that we have a right to speak because of the 1st amendment? Speak when spoken too as the saying goes . If I'm talking in a respectful tone why should I have to get spoken down too because an officer thinks I'm asking to much?  Right is right and wrong is wrong  and unfortunately we the people don't know about wrong until we fall victim too "its against the law" to do x,y and Z.
Lately Mothers have been the target of being attacked by people because they feel mothers shouldn't breast feed in public its distasteful. Now my true honest question about that is , " Mothers is it possible for you to pump enough milk and put them in bottles so you don't have to breast feed in public or does the milk go bad if you bottle it up?" Overall motherhood is a beautiful thing, I am no mother yet so I don't know all the rules but what I do know is this harassment has become COMMON. I personally don't want to see another woman's boob and I don't want to see them get attacked either. Suzanne Smith would be the latest mother under attack after witnesses say they saw her breastfeeding her daughter three month old Layla Smith in queens on the bench after Layla started crying frantically. Its reported Ms.Smith knew her child was hungry so she tended to Layla and was shortly approached by an officer. Now it wasn't mentioned if she had a cover over Layla but she had a breast feeding bra, which I'm not sure what it looks like. 
The officer who goes by the name Fitzsimmons approached  Ms.Simmons telling her to stop breastfeeding because its indecent of her to do it in public. As onlookers watched and chimed in witnesses report Ms.Simmons spoke respectfully and calm with the officer as he told her its against the law. Others tried to tell him he was wrong so my take on that evidence the people around her weren't too bothered by her public feeding . Now I haven't heard anything about breastfeeding being against the law but Ms.Simmons hasn't either as she  explained that too him.  He told her she didn't know sh** about the law and told onlookers to mind their business. The bus shows up and Ms.Simmons goes to stop and get herself together and exposed her boob to onlookers and the officer for a second which made officer Fitzsimmons very upset. Now I wasn't there so of course I cant say she did it on purpose or not being that everyone said she was being respectful but mistakes happen.
Next thing you know the officer pulled Ms.Simmons by the back of her collar as she was walking onto the bus and down goes baby Layla falling out of her mothers arms and onto the hard pavement cracking her Little head open. Now onlookers say the officer did the unbelievable next , he looked and saw the baby bleeding on the ground and continued to handcuff Ms.Simmons as if what happened didn't just happened. He told the crowd "it was an accident but you cant resist arrest". Onlookers fled to the baby and Ms.Simmons got arrested. Now of course he and his team are using Ms.Simmons should of listened and not resist arrest.REALLY?? All this comes off to me as a warning ,let her continue her day and get to where she has to go. Now its being reported that the baby didn't survive the trauma and has passed away today and the incident took place August 6,2014.  Officer Fitzsimmons at first was set to go on paid leave pending a full investigation but now has been updated to he dropped from all charges.
I don't know about y'all but I know Its so many changes in the law the dos and don't and we as people dont hear or know about it till its too late.I personally think every household should have an updated copy just like most have old and new bibles. we will never know how to survive if we don't know what we are up against. At the end of the day we get judged here on earth by people just like us based off of feelings and evidence, whats justice and whats unjustified. This incident is ridiculous and my heart goes out to Ms.Simmons and her entire family ".R.i.p Layla gone to soon but I and others are trying to spread the word so your not forgotten even though you haven't had much time to be remembered"

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some are saying this article is fake but either way it touched me enough to write wrote about it. That's my opinion real or not I stand my ground because overall we live in a crazy world where anything can happen 

Tragedy Repeating itself But 10x worse? "Travon Martin vs Mike Brown "

I'm no fan of the system myself but I can't help but feel like the war isn't only in Iraq. Our enemies aren't only foreign and presented as the worst kind. Our biggest threat are those in uniform with a badge that tell us they protect and serve right here at home. Our enemies are becoming our suppose to be American heroes but how can we call them heroes when they don't have super powers. Growing up you watch all the cartoon super heroes and the bad guys start off winning but in the end the hero comes along and save a life and save the day. Well today in the year 2014 our days are embedded with distasteful murder and unjustified results. African Americans don't want to keep marching and protesting but how can we not when we constantly get the short end of the stick even when we do good.
  We all know the story of Travon Martin which shook the nation with its back and forth trial. With all the evidence given the case still had hope for Zimmerman leaving a family to mourn and fight for justice at the same time.Can you imagine how much strength and courage it takes to hold it together through something like that? Now we have another young man by the name of Mike Brown visiting his grandmother when he was gun downed in broad daylight around 2pm Saturday August 9,2014 in Ferguson Missouri,  Whats the reason ? No one really knows and the news is reporting there's talk of brown  stealing  $1.00 cigar but this information isn't thrown into reasoning just yet. Even if so ,is that a good enough reason for 8 to 10 shots to be let off into this young man?
Brown was not from the area and was set to start his first day of college this coming Monday but will unfortunately not see the day. People don't understand how hard it is to raise African American males in this rough day and age.The courage they have to have in their own neighborhoods is a challenge within itself. Even though in most cases theres black on black crime this case will always break mothers all across the world ,who understand the struggle heart. It will touch any individual who has a compassionate heart because someone life has been taken from them and the reason doesn't hold a good enough purpose. Brown laid in the street for 4 hours while a crowd began to form wondering why this incident has happened.His father holding a sign and looking at his son lifeless body lay on concrete picture has been circling the net . He cannot hold his son because he would mess up the crime scene that the police seem to be taking there sweet time with. Yes we all know time plays a role with an investigation but I couldn't imagine being a witness in this situation let alone be a family member . What do you do? what do you say ?How would you feel?
We seem to loose our young unarmed Black male teens to  police officers who we find out later are Caucasian . Yes times have changed since back in the day , we have all different types of ethnicity wearing the uniform and badge to protect and serve now.  But do we really feel protected ? Has much really changed?  We the people don't want to make it a black vs white thing all the time but lets do the research of how many Black officers killed another race and got fired WITH NO PAY and thrown into jail. As oppose to the white officer who killed another minority race meaning Hispanics and Blacks and got SUSPENDED with PAID time off until the investigation is complete.Then go through a little therapy then BOOM their back on the streets. Even with all the evidence showing Caucasian officers  at fault they still gets off MORE OFTEN then they should. So what are we suppose to use in our defense if footage evidence ,audio evidence and witnesses hold no weight?
This investigation is very fresh and I'm sure days to come we will hear a bunch of non sense to discredit Brown to make the officer seem like he did the world a favor. But in my eyes this officer  took a young man who could of been a doctor, a lawyer, an officer, an athlete,a scientist ,a father , a man that could of done good if given the chance. I'm hoping the media doesn't use the excuse " he dressed like a gangster" because once upon a time clothes back in the day for Caucasians too went through its stages of appropriate and not appropriate. Back then it was 'bad boy vs prep boy " and I'm sure all the teens wore clothes that fit there mood and they thought were cool. No one murdered them over it they let them live their wild lives and grow up to find themselves .
My prayers go out to the family and friends of Mike Brown may they find courage and strength to get  through this unfortunate event. I know they never imagined the day would come knocking on their door in this day in age but we the people really have to wake up and stop living in the clouds. I'll never understand why they fear us so much and feel they are the only race that can live life and make mistakes and still get a pat on their back "its OK ". I'm not a racist and I have nothing personal against Caucasians. I have something against wrong doings  doesn't matter if your white,Hispanic or black.I'm well aware one bad apple doesn't represent every apple but seriously enough is enough. Some of my viewers will say "if your not a racist then why not talk about the black guy who murdered the white cop"?
My honest response to that would be because blacks WILL  get big  news coverage when they're the ones at fault and being thrown in jail .But cases of a white man murdering a black man only  get simple blog coverage like mines and online shine for a short amount of time then boom its swept under the rug like dirt, never making it to the BIG news .  But if enough of us read up on and share and care enough , this story and many quiet kept stories WILL REACH THE BIG NEWS ONE DAY . I honestly wish we all could get along but from what I see that's not a long lived dream.