Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hair ,Society, Where Do You fit In?

            Its a breath of fresh air to see natural styles such as box braids make a come back in this day and age. For the past 2 years based off my own experience I have found more
help for the African American woman who wants to embrace her god gift and take a break from the weaves, wigs and extensions. By all means am I against false hair I love it
its how make up is too an outfit its another accessory. Its what makes being a girl so MUCH MORE FUN then boys who would need time to switch up their styles,  We as women go through enough in life why cant we have fun with our choices of hair? I will admit wearing weave all the time and NOT embracing your own hair comes off like your ashamed .The same way how some invest $500 dollars into extensions ,I feel should be invested into making sure their real hair is healthy as well.
Through the years a war has been brewing about dark skin vs light skin and now its natural vs relaxed hair. At the end of the day if you can love who you are and how you look without makeup and extensions that's all that matters. If you can find a man who likes you both ways dressed up and dressed down that's all that matters. It all comes down to respect and love and those words have been hard on African American woman. Its even to the point where other ethnicity's  are riding the natural wave adding hash tags to pictures of themselves as if anyone has ever turned them down from a job. This is where the natural community gets upset because they feel they cant have something just for them. All ethnicity's wear weave even if its just to add volume to the lifeless hair but there is only one group that's gets railroaded hard about their texture. Its even to the point where making a living for yourself is based on your hair for certain work fields .
So to see box braids which are one of many natural styles make its way to the lime light it excites me. I myself who's been natural for 4 yrs but use wigs for a protective style and quick fix have gotten wet and wavy highlighted braids. There are so many different styles and textures and colors when it comes to braids out there your bound to find a look for yourself. Its always been out there since I was a little girl and I'm 27 now and I thought wearing braids now I would be considered wack or the look is played out. I even found a guy who's more impressed with my natural hair then my wigs :) now tell me that's not a bonus?  We are not out hair ladies but society is making it appear that way. If you have to play the part and be who society wants you to be for the better pay then I say handle your business . But just remember you have a life outside of your job and the freedom to be you !

Model: Keri Hilson  Resource :blackbeautyand

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