Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Do You Believe In Horoscopes?

If you asked most people if they believed in horoscopes they would say no. I have been reading my horoscopes since being a little girl when we use to get the courier news at school and at home. I'll admit some days they were pretty not- relatable, meaning 2 days out of 7 I couldn't relate to them.But for the most part, I stand by them and I'm 30 years old now.Now, at days with all this new technology, there are so many different horoscope sites.They all say different things about one signs it just seems like a scam. Since school days I have found a site that works out for me and I can't believe how on point it always is.Not just for my sign but for my fiance too, to the point every morning he asks me to read or send his sign to his phone. Laugh at me all you want but I live by my horoscope from a google app but it's a certain Icon. Yahoo, AOL, California physics those sites never worked for me when it came to daily,c career, and love scopes but the yearly scopes were pretty ok.But this google app is always on point
it's scary and exciting at the same time.

They say watch what you say because you can speak it into existence but what if at the end of the day you read your horoscope and it basically explained what happened through out your day? Would you still think it's crazy or is there some truth behind scopes and numbers and signs all around us?I've heard a few heavy Christians say " If you read your horoscope or go to a physic your messing with the devil, not gods way. God is the only way that hookus pookus is like playing with voodoo". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I use to want my palm read too but I'll just stick to my google app horoscope. I won't stand with those who say horoscope reading is the devil's work because I been blessed and motivated more times then being disappointed that sometimes I get mad if I don't read my scope lol in the morning to prepare myself for the day. I know it sounds extreme but if it says" Today drama will come your way but try to stay away from it and occupy yourself with things you like to do etc" In my eyes when I see that drama coming my way I know exactly what to do and it won't dampen my day.

How many of you know what I'm talking about? How many of you believe there are some things in the universe that are deeper than the eye can see? How many of you believe there is a dark side but horoscopes aren't one of them? If you're curious to check out your sign check out the google store app "Daily horoscopes" and let me know if it relates to you or not and leave a comment below.

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