Sunday, February 27, 2011

how can you make your dreams come true when the real world responsibilities are eating at you

Most of us dont have parents or family to rely on leaving us dreamers to step into the real world strong and hungry. what ever job we get we stick it out and try to work our way up to the top .But doing that means being a manager and giving more of your time for long hours. If your a dreamer like me you never dreamed of working at 9 to 5 unless that 9 to 5 was your passion. For example before my knees got messed up i would love to dance. I can be dead beat tired but always have the energy to dance because i enjoyed it so much.thats because i discovered my passion for dancing at the age of 9. I also discovered my passion for performing arts and every different field that came with it , so performing arts was always my 9 to 5 vision.
 Im 23 yrs old now and have half accomplished many things that i thought i would never attempt but i did. But thats the problem "I HALF ACCOMPLISHED  EVERYTHING ". All because the real world  told me straight after high school "ok now its just you yourself and responsibilities".
          I worked a full time job got sick stepped down to part time and saved money and put myself through  the John robert powers program for acting and commercial printwork and i received my certificates and got offers for auditions but never could make it because of work. At this time i was a manager opening and closing the store and couldnt risk not showing up for work because i was told about the audition the day before. I would of got fired i needed a heads up so i could let my bosses know. I starting working more on my music side and had a good run of 2yrs working with different teams and writting songs for different artist and singing hooks until one team made me decide either i sing or be his girlfriend.  I'll let you figure out what i decided it is 6 yrs later 2011 and im still stuck with working and dealing with responsibilities and i feel like im fading away and maybe i should just give it up. I always knew that if performing arts dont work i wanted to be a visual merchandiser which im doing now . But im struggling as it is and i dont have the time to be worrying about my dream because soon i might need a 2nd job just to survive. so the question thats been sitting on my mind for years is "how can you make your dreams come true when the real world responsibilities are eating at you"?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One side of your body bigger then the other? To the point its noticeable and you can feel the difference?

ok ok now i know where all born with the right side supposenly bigger then the left but i have a diff problem. My left whole leg is bigger or thicker then my right leg and its uncomfortable. I can see the difference in my jeans and i can feel it when i walk lol. My family laughs at me and tell me im crazy but this seriously is annoying.I want the right side to thicken up a lil more to balance out the awkward tight feel when i walk. So the question is if i start exercising and i do 30 moves on the left ,does that mean i have to do double on the right?? This affects men too you remember what martins said about dudes in jail 1 side being majorily bigger then the other lol.  He meant something a lil different but im sure men and women can relate. So what should I do , what your suggestion?

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Are You holding up with this recession?

Alot of jobs are cutting back hrs or laying off people and i personally am ready to loose my mind. Im bringing in half of what i brought home before and have to work just as fast before my shift is over. My job complains if you stay over 15-30 mins over but also complain if the job isn't done.Of course being part time is better then having no job at all but bills havent changed. Many will tell you just to go out and get another job but for 1 i'm drained ffrom the first job and to top it off THE WORK FIELD IS TOUGH TO GET IN lol. If it was that easy there would be more people working or keeping there title just less hrs.All i know is im ready to go crazy so" what are you doing to keep you sane and your spirits up"?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are You really intuned with black history month now that your an adult?

I'll be the first to admit that since i graduated school holidays and important days of history dont even come to mind anymore. Would i say i have better things to think about? "No". I would say that since i graduated all i do is work ,come home, eat and sleep. Sometimes i dont even know what the day is if it dont look at my cell phone. Truth be told i hardly watch t.v and i hardly pay attention to politics. My life has taken a toll of full responsibility and working to pay bills.
       When your in school they go all out to make sure you understand what black history month is all about , but now that im older i'll admit i didnt even know it was coming up. So my question is are we really intuned with black history month when we get older, as we were when we were kids? Or are  we pretending to copy and paste videos about black history but dont trully understand it and in our daily lives not doing anything to respect that history?