Sunday, October 2, 2011

Social media is forgetting about traditional communication and riding the new wave of publicaly humiliating others

I find it quite amazing how people are falling into the social media communication and ignoring the old tradition "dont talk behind my back say it to my FACE ". Well in this case  of social changes I guess it should be "dont talk about me on your wall for the world to see, say what you have to say to me and stop hiding behin the screen " Facebook is a beautiful thing and a curse at the same time. Its reached more connection and boundaries then myspace which leaves many saying "what is a myspace" . Everyone advertises with facebook and it doesn't  look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon.
           Facebook for me first started off as a problem because females were mad there boyfriends would like or comment on my pictures. Remind you these are people I dont know on the day to day bases and live miles away. Alot of times we link because of music and off of other sites and thats all. Other cases me and they guy have been friends for years ,but the girlfriend is NEW and she wants him to cut all ties with any females she feels intimidated by. But in the end I tell her what it is and the dude can vouche for me that he will not delete me because we are friends and she needs to deal with it. Did the girlfriend like this ? Of course not but seriously what can she do about it. He has his own page to network on  and so does she, the world see's your in a relationship and all your forced pictures. Sad thing is the girlfriends wants to be so controlling that they end up breaking up weeks later anyway lol for the WORLD TO SEE.
          Facebook now is a different network  for me now that I've been on it for awhile. I've found family members I never met and family members who I havent seen in years. Its easier to talk to them all at the same time as oppose to them saying  "call me".The only time I'll address them personally is if there is a major personal problem that isn't meant for others to see or know about. Sometimes when im not online i'll text there phone and say hey and to see what their doing but its never a long convo. Its more like a "hey I was thinking about you for a second wanted to know whats going on with you today " Sometimes less is better but it lets them see that randomly they crossed your mind and that they were thought about. This would be the beautiful side of facebook in my eyes.
        The bad side would definitely be when people put on a show and all there business out to get feedback from others and get upset if the feedback isnt what they want to hear. Yes im guilty to venting on Fb from time to time but I dont get to personal and say names.It's more like a speaking out loud moment, a public view maybe leaning to a what should I do. Which isn't to bad because before this site came along yahoo had a ask question forum and people would give their feedback. The issue at hand with fb is when you literally are throwing someone under the bus ,publicaly humiliating them because you have access to do it. This curse has broken up family relationships,kiddy relationships for the kids, and marriages. Communication is and always be key point blank period. But it's the way you go about it and right now  in the social world everyone wants to feel known or famous. So they forget about tradition and go with the new wave and publicaly downgrade themselves,friends and lovers. Some people have gotten killed over social media hypeness but thats not enough to make people stop and think about how they network. WHY?? because they honestly think it'll never happen to them and this person aint stupid enough to address me when really YOUR NOT BOLD ENOUGH TO ADDRESS THEM EITHER SINCE YOUR HIDING BEHIND A KEYBOARD.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Work hard or Dont work hard and still have a life?

So your known as the sweet quet girl at work. Everyone knows you they compliment you on your work, they question you on why your working with them and why arent you working somewhere else ? Is this a good thing or bad thing ,is it a hidden push for you to get out of there before its too late and go do something greater with your life? Alot of times companies have there employees who just complain and complain but never go anywhere. You say to yourself" This job is all hype I bust my behind and the pay isnt even worth it , but its a job". I speak from experience and i can relate .
       Ive been working in the retail business since 2005 and quickly got thrown into the management side. The pay was great but my heart wasnt into it and it felt funny managing older women and girls my age whom i was working with before i moved up as just a sales associate. At first they didnt take me serious because I was young but then they saw my potential and stop giving me a hardtime and started doing there part to help the business. I found myself falling in love with merchandising and thats where my heart is. I didnt have to deal with receipt paperwork, customers complaining , I just had a picture in mind and i captivated it when ever i did a wall or floor set. The best part was watching my art fly off the shelf and making the company sales number go up.Through out the years i tried to stick with merchandising but had to start from the bottom going back to being a sales associate and my pockets are HURTING BAD. Its 2011 and i work as a stock/merchandiser for a billion dollar comopany with high price merchandise a shirt is more then my weekly check!! Do you think im balling because the company is ?? NO WAY NOT AT ALL NOT EVEN CLOSE!
I been trying to stick it out with this job because i want to show long term commitment and help build my resume for merchandising. But each time i look at my check and when i see my co workers who complain i get scared that'll Ill become too comfortable just like them and never leave. I complain now oh yes without a doubt but i also bust my behind and im still driven .Im on a mission but my pockets arent feeling this hurt. Am i wasting my time trying to build my resume when I and everyone else knows that i should take my hard working skills somewhere else? Alot of people bust their behind EVERYDAY but struggle  very hard when they have to face the reality outside of work. Some people will tell you " I make alot of money to do nothing and I love it." so if they balling like that i can say " I love my job I work very hard to make Little pay and that part I hate".It saddens me that some people are living life to the fullest and have family to throw money at them and never work. While others work hard and try to make ends meet while those who can careless about their job reap all the benifits in a FAT CHECK. Something is definitely wrong with this picture.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is it safe 2 say african american women skin is prone 2 stretchmarks?

In a society where looks is everything proper skin care is a must. But what is proper skin care and how do you go about it? Magazines talk about everything a women she know or do reaching out to all ethnicities, but each ethnicity is different and everyone shouldn try just anything old thing. When it comes to skin care i think it goes by your family line and what you eat or do . Moisturizing is def a key for every thing but no one seems to be able to explain stretchmarks. They say if you gain weight to fast or lose weight to fast or if its hereditary then boom theres your answer. But i know someone who has been small her whole life and bounces between a 5 pound difference and has had stretchmarks since she was a little girl,practically all over. She so tiny and has always been but she is scared for life with strecthmarks and have no kids. To me she physically hasnt changed much I feel her pain and how uncomfortable she is in her own skin and everyone should be comfotable in their own skin right?

Based off of my observations ive seen stretcmarks on african american women more then i have on any other race. Its the cleavage area, sides,hips,thighs inner and out,buttocks and calves. When i see caucasians i more so see spider veins and vericose veins. Even if they are heavy set their skin still show no signs of stretchmarks which makes me wonder ," Is our skin more prone to stretchmarks automatically"? I mean everything about african americans seem to be so different and sensitive. Our skin blemishes and scar up off of anything, the hair HAS to stay moisturized or it goes brittle and is badly damaged, and what everyother saying is out there assuring african american skin is sensitive. Im pretty sure a good amount of women of every race go throug there skin issues , im just saying based off of what i see I think african americans are prone to it. what do you think? If your african american and you want to let us know you skin care regimen hook us up and teach us something we may have been missing . At the end of the day the body is our temple and we must treat it like gold but i also know alot of us neglect our body so lets help one another get on the right track to feel beautiful and comfortable in the skin we're in.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Alot of people are very clueless about natural hair until they become natural themselves. Before i got a perm i use to get my hair straightened with a hot comb. Oh , you couldn't tell me I wasn't cute lol. I don't remember much of my childhood but younger pictures help me see what I looked like. I had very curly hair, pig tails and they were chin length. My sister hair was straight and down her back .Although her hair was straight she still would get it hot combed because it was straight and curly. My mother is black and my dad is Cherokee and his mother and fathers were as well. His mother was mixed black and either red foot or black foot Cherokee Indian and his dad was pure Cherokee black foot. So we have mixture hair. My grandmother hair was curly and my pop pop hair was long and straight. My dad eventually as a kid used s-curl kit to help define his curls. He went to a salon twice in his life and ever sense then he hasn't put any chemicals in his hair except for Donnie curl moisturiser.
My sister and i are 4 yrs apart and were very much proud of our hair. She started doing my hair when she was in the 4th grade my mom had stopped completely, so my sister would do her best with both of our heads. Guess my hair was too thick and kinky curly for her so she permed it. My hair went from my chin down to my collar bone and i swung my hair left and right lol. All the way up until December 22,2010 I was a relaxed hair girl. My hair was knotting up and wasn't as strong as it use to be. I was 23 yrs old and it was time for a change. I wasn't showing my hair much before any way , I was wearing wigs. So I started snipping my hair and my sister WENT CRAZYYYYYYYY . I asked her to do it but she said " I don't want no part of this i cant believe you want to cut your hair. We can cut the knots out not the whole thing." She got the scissors and helped me out.
This natural journey has been a looonggg journey. I never liked short hair so I still haven't showed my hair to anyone. I take pics and keep track of the growth and I'm amazed. Being natural is pretty ok , I'm not going back to perms but I'm not ready to show it yet until it gets down to a length I'm comfortable with. But now that its hot the question is ,"Is being natural a yes or a NOT!" Its a big yesss lol I can get caught in the rain and all my hair will do is curl up if i had it out. If I went swimming I know I'd look good with my curls . My only problem is people with relaxed hair claiming their hair is natural just because there hair is curly or waved up from taking braids out lol W.T.H. is that all about. Posting pics from the beach talking about "My natural curls". Natural is chemical free except for moisturizers and relaxed and textured hair is chemical placed on your hair changing the natural pattern and texture. Texturizers are used to help loosen up curls for those who have really tight kinky curls BUT ITS STILL A CHEMICAL because if you leave it in too long it'll make your hair straight.
Now that I'm natural I realized its a major transition in my life. I'm single so i don't have to worry about the pressure of my boyfriend having to like or dislike my hair which many females are afraid to go through which is understandable. Society has brainwashed alot and it will take some time to do a 360 but trust it will, AND IT IS being done. You know what happens when it get hot out and you don't want to deal with all that long hair. Girls start cutting there hair and showing it off. Some try being natural and short others try permed and short. But what do you think "Now that its hot is being a natural a yes or a NOT?"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The pics that caused controversy on facebook" THE BLACK EYE"

April 23, 2011 10:00pm
I was taking my makeup off, ladies you know how mascara is when you apply the remover.I was wiping the makeup off in circular motion and opened my eye and noticed that I looked like i really had a black eye.  I NEVER HAD A BLACK EYE IN MY LIFE I DONT PLAN ON especially not but the hands of another human being. I took my samsung phone and snapped pics with a 1.3 mega pixel camera and the results were breath taking.  Not only do i not have make up on anymore because i was taking it off but the off preocess really looks REAL.  I thought to myself, "dang i can beleieve females actually force themselves to go through this all for attention from there lame boyfriend who obviously dont respect her enough to keep her hands off her." Its said that men go through abuse too but its not as drastic a women being abused which leads to battery assualts and damn near DEATH OR MURDER. So fellas im not excluding you but the pics above are more common then being a male.
                   So i posted the pics up slowly individually on facebook KNOWING people would comment or notice that it was make up but off the back got my message. Well it actually turned out only 1 person thought it was makeup and everyone else went APE ,and one other dude laughed at me saying that i looked like rhianna. After my phone started ringing i knew i had to post the grand finale the main reason for the pics because people were actually starting to be concerened. Some where mad told me not to do it again its not funny , WHICH OBVIOUSLY IM AWARE OF AND DIDNT POST AS A JOKE. I posted it  because the idea popped in my head and i went with the flow and im glad that i did. Tuesday morning came and on the maury show they were talking about women being abused and i was SHOCKED!! Its like i did this message at the right time which kind of scared me but i understand that sometimes idea's are the best products and messages no matter how much you feel discouraged to do it.  So all in all im excited i did it i feel like i can be apart of something major and that my pic was more deep then most pics that are posetd on line with bruises on the faces and busted lips. I didnt even go to that extreme but just to think taking off mascara caused the MOST REALIST LOOKING BLACK EYE !!!  and im glad to get peoples attention and spread the awareness.  :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Man i been doing music for a long time but reverbnation is the only site IN YEARS THAT IVE GOTTEN FAST FANS ,COMMENTS,AND UPLIFTING WORDS. Im moving up the national rank for r&B/soul category and its amazing im at 843 when i use to be wayyyyyy up there lol. I mean think about it we are talking about NATIONAL ACROSS THE GLOBE FOR REVERBNATION.this is a major accomplishment for me words cant explain how this page affects my daily life. Just seeing the friend requests everyday i jump up, sometimes its 25 a day.  I have such a bad or boring day at work and i come home and check my account and all i can do is smile I only had my reverb account for 2 months and im at 400 and some change  fans close to 500. I know some people may get more but for me to be underground im cool with how things are going. im getting alot of support from california which is amazing i know no one in california no family or nothing.SO CALI THANKS 4THE

Sunday, February 27, 2011

how can you make your dreams come true when the real world responsibilities are eating at you

Most of us dont have parents or family to rely on leaving us dreamers to step into the real world strong and hungry. what ever job we get we stick it out and try to work our way up to the top .But doing that means being a manager and giving more of your time for long hours. If your a dreamer like me you never dreamed of working at 9 to 5 unless that 9 to 5 was your passion. For example before my knees got messed up i would love to dance. I can be dead beat tired but always have the energy to dance because i enjoyed it so much.thats because i discovered my passion for dancing at the age of 9. I also discovered my passion for performing arts and every different field that came with it , so performing arts was always my 9 to 5 vision.
 Im 23 yrs old now and have half accomplished many things that i thought i would never attempt but i did. But thats the problem "I HALF ACCOMPLISHED  EVERYTHING ". All because the real world  told me straight after high school "ok now its just you yourself and responsibilities".
          I worked a full time job got sick stepped down to part time and saved money and put myself through  the John robert powers program for acting and commercial printwork and i received my certificates and got offers for auditions but never could make it because of work. At this time i was a manager opening and closing the store and couldnt risk not showing up for work because i was told about the audition the day before. I would of got fired i needed a heads up so i could let my bosses know. I starting working more on my music side and had a good run of 2yrs working with different teams and writting songs for different artist and singing hooks until one team made me decide either i sing or be his girlfriend.  I'll let you figure out what i decided it is 6 yrs later 2011 and im still stuck with working and dealing with responsibilities and i feel like im fading away and maybe i should just give it up. I always knew that if performing arts dont work i wanted to be a visual merchandiser which im doing now . But im struggling as it is and i dont have the time to be worrying about my dream because soon i might need a 2nd job just to survive. so the question thats been sitting on my mind for years is "how can you make your dreams come true when the real world responsibilities are eating at you"?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One side of your body bigger then the other? To the point its noticeable and you can feel the difference?

ok ok now i know where all born with the right side supposenly bigger then the left but i have a diff problem. My left whole leg is bigger or thicker then my right leg and its uncomfortable. I can see the difference in my jeans and i can feel it when i walk lol. My family laughs at me and tell me im crazy but this seriously is annoying.I want the right side to thicken up a lil more to balance out the awkward tight feel when i walk. So the question is if i start exercising and i do 30 moves on the left ,does that mean i have to do double on the right?? This affects men too you remember what martins said about dudes in jail 1 side being majorily bigger then the other lol.  He meant something a lil different but im sure men and women can relate. So what should I do , what your suggestion?

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Are You holding up with this recession?

Alot of jobs are cutting back hrs or laying off people and i personally am ready to loose my mind. Im bringing in half of what i brought home before and have to work just as fast before my shift is over. My job complains if you stay over 15-30 mins over but also complain if the job isn't done.Of course being part time is better then having no job at all but bills havent changed. Many will tell you just to go out and get another job but for 1 i'm drained ffrom the first job and to top it off THE WORK FIELD IS TOUGH TO GET IN lol. If it was that easy there would be more people working or keeping there title just less hrs.All i know is im ready to go crazy so" what are you doing to keep you sane and your spirits up"?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are You really intuned with black history month now that your an adult?

I'll be the first to admit that since i graduated school holidays and important days of history dont even come to mind anymore. Would i say i have better things to think about? "No". I would say that since i graduated all i do is work ,come home, eat and sleep. Sometimes i dont even know what the day is if it dont look at my cell phone. Truth be told i hardly watch t.v and i hardly pay attention to politics. My life has taken a toll of full responsibility and working to pay bills.
       When your in school they go all out to make sure you understand what black history month is all about , but now that im older i'll admit i didnt even know it was coming up. So my question is are we really intuned with black history month when we get older, as we were when we were kids? Or are  we pretending to copy and paste videos about black history but dont trully understand it and in our daily lives not doing anything to respect that history?